Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we had lunch with Jessica,John and the grandchildren. Ryan loved hanging out with Grandpa Wayne. We loved playing with Caitlin, Ryan and Nora. Caitlin and Grandpa took a nice walk that turned into a race - with Caitlin running faster than Grandpa! We had yummy subs and enjoyed the time together. The photo of me with Caitlin was taken a little while ago.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Adopted Babies

Each fall I sew or knit doll dresses for the GoodFellow Doll Program. These dolls will be among thousands that will be distributed, in Christmas gift boxes, to young girls in the Detroit area.

Friday, October 30, 2009


A year of wonderful blessings and changes for Wayne and I. Last October we were totally loving and enjoying our (only) grandchild, Caitlin. This year our love has grown by leaps and bounds by the birth of:
twins Ryan Michael and Eleanor Elizabeth (Nora) to John and Jessica
and Jacob Alexander to Don and Rebecca. Another change is that I am working part-time, so we can spend more time with these beautiful babies!

Jacob's birth photos 1

The day Jacob was born: October 15, 2009

Jacob's birth photos 2

Introducing Jacob Alexander Whitmen

Jacob, our youngest grand child, was born Oct 15, 2009 to our daughter Rebecca and son-in-law Don. He is so precious - enjoy!

Jacob: Does this baby ever cry??

Here you can see his adorable face, hair, and long fingers

Jacob's first stroller ride

Don and Rebecca's first walk with Jacob in front of their house.

Can't get enough of that sweet baby!

More photos of Jacob

Night, Night Sleepy Jacob