Saturday, January 14, 2012

More presents

Caitlin made me this beautiful key chain that I absolutely LOVE!  And bath wash, special sponge, notecards and produce bags (not shown) from J,J,C,R,N.  I am having a wonderful (weekend) birthday celebration!! Click on the photos for an enlarged image.  You can see how much my flowers have opened up since the earlier photos taken several  hours ago.

Birthday Flowers

Yesterday I received beautiful birthday flowers from Don, Rebecca and Jacob.  I found (I think)  a good spot for them because our cats love to eat flowers (and then - of course - get sick from them).  So this spot should be good because I can still enjoy them, they are by the windows and out of the way of the cats.  But, as you can see, Savannah is trying to figure out a way to get to them.  I saw her stretch out against the side of the window and reach so I am keeping an eye on her.  ENJOY!  The pink castle on the second shelf is the book that Caitlin wrote for us for Christmas, 3 wonderful stories completely illustrated.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Party Dress

We have a lot of January birthdays, so I just had to sew a party dress and hat!  This dress is prettier in person as the lace has a lot of silver shimmer and it is a very delicate pink and the under skirt fabric also has a print lace pattern that does not show up in the photo.  If you click on the photo (to enlarge) you can see a little bit of the pattern in the under skirt.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My "Look-Alike" American Girl Doll "Emma"

Caitlin has an American Girl Doll that she has named "Katherine".  She just got her last Friday and is super excited about her!  A couple of months ago I bought some doll patterns and also purchased an 18" doll so that I could sew some outfits for "Katherine".  Here is a white felt (feels like wool) coat that I just finished sewing for Katherine.  I will be sending it in the mail for Caitlin's doll.  I also sewed a beret to match.  Emma's pretty dress is my first outfit for her.  They are so fun to sew for!!

Savannah has head lock on Lucy

Savannah loves to groom Lucy, and sometimes  gets her in a head lock and then proceeds to chomp on her ears or neck.  Here she is caught in the act.